Thursday, February 12, 2009


Whew! Sorry it has been awhile since my last post. Things have been nuts around here, both at work and at home. Our administrative person is leaving at work, and we've been busy hiring a new person and getting ready for "training" mode.

I am very excited to head to Wake Forest University at the end of the month for a research trip for my next book, Murder in Town Hall. I am still waiting to hear back from the publisher about the first in the series, but I figure it can't hurt to get rolling on the next. Carving out time to write is hard, but necessary for my sanity! I won't be writing on this trip, but gathering research. And my dad said a history degree wouldn't be useful...I am a great researcher!

The weight loss is very slow, but steady. I am just trying to be smart about what goes in, knowing it will all wind up on my hips somewhere.