Friday, July 2, 2010

To Write, Perchance to Dream

My progress thus far on my second book, Murder in Town Hall has been very slow. A pesky little thing called work keeps getting in the way.

My job is incredibly stressful, so writing provides a great release. My problem has been unplugging long enough from the paycheck to be able to enjoy the writing part. I must make more time!

My vacation is soon, and we are going to Virginia Beach with my family. This is the fourth year we have assembled for one week during the summer to get away and enjoy each other's company. Eight people and two kids in one house. I cannot wait.

In other groundbreaking news, my parents are moving back to WI. They have lived in NC for fifteen years now, but it has never been home like WI is. I don't blame them, and they deserve to begin their partial retirement wherever they darn well please. I will miss them terribly, but know my brother Chris will enjoy having them so close.

I need to recommit to writing without sacrificing my paycheck job. There is the lottery, however...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

2010 Update

I haven't written in awhile, but here's quick update!

My first book is with an agent in NYC being reviewed. I am working on the second, Murder in Town Hall. I am done with plot design and started writing in earnest. I spent last Friday at the library at Duke typing my heart out. I enjoy going to a library where I am not distracted easily. Duke is beautiful, just a little hard to park in the same zip code as the library without paying through the nose. I am going to try to devote one day per month to writing, though I will likely not be able to take off work once a month. I'll burn a Saturday or two in the library.

Eric and I are waiting on the adoption thing; we are licensed and now waiting for a good match. We would love to adopt a sibling group up to age eight. The process to be license took so long, my patience is thin at times...bring on the kids!

My family has another blog at if anyone would like to check it out. My brothers are hysterical, and we've enjoyed the discourse so far.

I'll check back again when I hear from the agent. I sent the full manuscript on January 11, 2010, so hopefully I'll hear soon.